
Global Organics, Ltd. - Cambridge, MA
Global Organics is a source of organic, sustainable, non-GMO and fair trade food ingredients based in Cambridge, MA. Global Organics contacted Latitude Architects to help them renovate this Arlington building to meet their growing needs. Comprised of a basement and two floors every square foot of this space was used. The basement had a limited storage area that allowed GO to have product on hand for shipping samples to prospective buyers as well as to support their in-house product development. On the other side of the basement the mechanical room housed pumps for the three wells used for geothermal heating and cooling.
The first floor provided offices for the sales department as well as the CEO and CFO. GO wanted the nature of their business to be present in the details. Clear coated Maple wood was used throughout to yield both an organic yet contemporary office setting.
At the core of the second floor was a full kitchen and meeting space where staff would come together to taste product and GO creations. Surrounding this glassed space were more cubicles used for the shipping and receiving staff. While Global Organics grew out of this space some 4 years later the CEO has this to say:
"The staff that worked at that office still talk about it today and remark on what a great environment it was to work in."
David Alexander
Global Organics, LTD